We believe that collaboration with our client's professional network is necessary in order to provide a comprehensive wealth management experience.



During our client discovery process, we become acquainted with, and assemble when necessary, our client's network of financial, business, and legal professionals.  It has been our experience that the most innovative solutions come from a coordinated team of specialists working in unison to help meet the complex needs of each client.


Based upon a consultative communication process utilized with our client's tax, legal and risk management advisors, we endeavor to encourage an environment of collaboration.  We find that this seamless communication of trusted advisors most often results in the delivery of an exceptional client experience.  This allows us to manage portfolios in the most tax efficient manner for each client, ensure personal and business assets are properly protected, and maximize wealth transfer to the next generation.


Please consult with your tax and/or legal advisor before implementing any tax and/or legal related strategies as IFP and WhartonHill Investment Advisors do not provide tax and/or legal advice.